she boiled rocks, you know
on the stove
to get rid of the spirits.
an image of an elderly helen of troy
one that did not disappear with menelaus
one that left algeria
was banned from france
met a husband in germany
moved to new orleans
and gave up prostitution.
hometowns 1787 miles from each other
closer to each other than i am to home
and we all know what blonde used to mean.
perhaps there is some kinship
between mediterranean women.

Abbie Hart (she/they) is a 19-year-old poet from Houston, TX currently living in Worcester, MA. She has been published over 30 times, and is the editor in chief for the Literary Forest Poetry Magazine. In her spare time, she learns useless skills, daydreams about pottery, and does her best to be a nice warm soup. Her first chapbook, head is a home, was released by Bottlecap Press in August 2023. Her website is abbiemhart.wordpress.com.