Perhaps god of time is a misnomer
and god is time the correct alternative
since the former indicates removal
from the preposition’s object
where, in fact, is identity, an equation
that brooks no separation, no distance
between the two nouns, thus the only
necessity is one or the other
any sentence—subject and predicate—
a tautology necessarily unneeded

John Zedolik is an adjunct English professor at Chatham University and Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and has published poems in such journals as Abbey, The Bangalore Review (IND), Commonweal, FreeXpresSion (AUS), Orbis (UK), Paperplates (CAN), Poem, Poetry Salzburg Review (AUT), Third Wednesday, Transom, and in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. In 2019, he published his first full-length collection, entitled Salient Points and Sharp Angles (CW Books), which is available through Amazon, and in 2021 he published another collection, When the Spirit Moves Me (Wipf & Stock), which consists of spiritually themed poems and is also available through Amazon. In 2023 he published his third collection, Mother Mourning (again, available on Amazon), and he has another forthcoming. John’s iPhone is his primary poetry notebook, and he hopes his use of technology to craft this ancient art remains fruitful.